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Denmark is ranked no. 17 on a global Top 20 list of registered clinical trials (based on ClinicalTrials.Gov). Per capita, Denmark is the country in the world that conducts the most clinical trials and hence the awareness of participating in clinical trials is very high among patients


Denmark is ranked no. 17 on a global Top 20 list of registered clinical trials (based on ClinicalTrials.Gov). Per capita, Denmark is the country in the world that conducts the most clinical trials and hence the awareness of participating in clinical trials is very high among patients. Denmark has a long tradition and a strong position in early clinical trials in pain as evidenced by the fact that 5% of the registered global clinical trials are carried out in Denmark. The combination of scientific excellence and a proactive Danish regulatory body has made Denmark a key global player in development and implementation of innovative methods for profiling new compounds in the area of pain. The level of science is very high and Denmark ranks 3rd internationally by the number of articles (per inhabitants) in top scientific health journals and 2nd internationally by the number of publications based on clinical trials and pharmaceutical research.

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